Starting blogs that is. It's a new year, a new decade. Sounds like the perfect time for a new hobby.
Technically I told myself I wasn't allowed to blog yet. You see I wrote most of the a fore mentioned untitled and unpublished novel in 2009. I have roughly three chapters left to finish the first draft and eight days to do it. So I'm not supposed to blog until I'm done. I'm not supposed to do anything until I'm done; short of feeding and clothing my small children.
I will finish by January 12th. Why? Because that's the day I started writing last year. And I'm fairly neurotic and OCD so I like to wrap things up neatly. It went so fast in the beginning. I was writing at least ten to fifteen pages a day. Then life and a whole mess of crap got in the way.
So three chapters in eight days. That way I can get onto the real fun, ie, editing, writing query letters, and submitting to literary agents. Oh, and blogging, about it all. I think I'm actually hoping for a super scathing rejection letter just so I can share it here.
But I'd settle for a glowing one begging to represent my book. Ha.
i would insert the popcorn smiley but i dont have it. But thats what i would put here. crunch crunch!