Sunday, August 19, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

I thought I'd get real serious about this networking thing. So I started a blog, and a twitter. I blinked and more than two years flashed by. While I abandoned the blog (and the tweeting), I did not stop writing. The untitled, unpolished, and unpublished book that inspired all this, is now only two of the three. I bestowed a title upon it but the polish has taken more elbow grease than I thought.

Did you know that after you finish the first creative thing you've written since college you'll instantly fall in love with it? And did you know that the second you hunker down and start editing it you'll fall just as quickly out of love? After going a few rounds and feeling more and more discouraged, I decided to set it aside. I abandoned my prior promise to not start a new writing project before the last one was signed, sealed, and delivered. It was then I discovered something.

Writing was making me a better writer. I know, who would have thought? So I've spent the last two plus years writing the pads of my fingers off and it has served me well. The first book is going through a major rehab since one day I was gobsmacked by the thought that the story was meant to be told in third person. I wrote it in first. I think you can imagine the effort this will take. I am four chapters away from finishing a story that will never see flourescent bookstore lighting since it was merely done as exercise. Lastly, I am one chapter into something I am excited to write, and my notebook is still full of new ideas.

Time to stop dreaming and start doing.